Reading: Slow and Gentle, by Annette MacKay Encouraging words from a mom whose son was a late reader. Updated!
What My Children Taught Me, by Helen Hegener Some important, and perhaps surprising, observations made along the way - by the mom to five grown unschooled kids, and co-publisher for over 20 years of Home Education Magazine.
Considering Methods & Styles of Homeschooling, by Lillian Jones Some important considerations when thinking about methods and styles of homeschooling.
Growing a Writer, by Miranda Hughes Learning to write is more complicated - and yet easier - than we often realize. This thought provoking article sheds some light on the whole process of how children learn to write

Organic Learning, by Billy Greer, co-publisher of FUN Books Catalog How unschooling is like organic gardening in producing self-sufficient learners with deep, strong roots.
Getting Hit on the Head Lessons, by Alfie Kohn A thought provoking examination of current and tradional educational notions - including the idea that certain things need to be done just because kids "better get used to it."
Schooling: Liberation or Mind Control?,
by Richard Heinberg Observations and suggestions for creating a society in which every child is respected and nurtured toward the joy of self-discovery.
Preschool Homeschooling, by Bev Krueger, creator of Eclectic Homeschool Online Encouraging advice from the mom of five mostly grown homeschoolers on how to make the most of the preschool years for the most successful outcome.
A Pre-school and Kindergarten Curriculum, by Lillian Jones SPAN> A guide to the important early years - with links to important information, resources, and delightful age appropriate activities.
Big "A", Little "a", by Vivian Gussin Paley In this must read book excerpt, an award-winning kindergarten and nursery school teacher of 37 years experience offers a historical perspective with a great depth of wisdom on the nature of young children and their unique needs.

Early Year's Child's Learning Assets, by Linda Dobson Powerful insights on ways in which to nourish and encourage the natural learning assets of young children - from the author of Homeschooling the Early Years and other popular books.
Crockpot Homeschool: A Dozen Ingredients For Healthy Nourishment, by Paula Harper Christensen A child development specialist the mom of four offers inspiring suggestions for giving our homeschooling a creative boost during those times when we feel as if we're running out of steam and good ideas.
Homeschooling - It's Wonderful Life!, by Lillian Jones and family SPAN> Advice and encouraging words from a family that has completed the homeschool journey.
The Ever-Changing, Never-Ending Story, by Linda Dobson An essay from The First Year of Homeschooling Your
How We Learn, by Alison Gopnick SPAN> A respected specialist in cognitive science offers thought provoking insights into the way learning works in children.
Too Early, by David Elkind This popular author and Professor of Child Development
explains the realistic educational needs of young children.
Myth #4 "You Need Teacher Training, Dearie", by Linda Dobson Surprising evidence helps break the myth that you need special training to be able to teach your children.
Reshaping the Puzzle to Fit the Pieces, by Mark and Helen Hegener Some challenging perceptions and observations about what homeschoolers really want to accomplish with homeschooling.
The Joy and Ease of Learning Through Child-led Unit Studies, by Kandi Chong SPAN> A practical description of the how simple it can be to do fun and successful unit studies with a child's lead.
Homeschooling Anecdotes – Learning in the Real World, by Mark and Helen Hegener
A thoughtful look at the way learning occurs in the home of the publishers of Home Education Magazine.
My Journey from Teaching to Homeschooling, by Pat Seddon.
A former teacher describes the process that brought her to the decision to leave the classroom and homeschool her own children.
Distinguished Visitors, by David H. Albert What do you need to teach your children? This thought-provoking article takes a unique and delightful look at that question.
I Really Qualified to Teach My Own Children?" — Some Thoughts on This Common and Provocative Question, by Richard Prystowsky
A homeschooling father and Professor of English and Humanities addresses some of the "psychological" and "spiritual"
concerns raised by this question.
Nurturing Children's Natural Love of Learning, by Jan Hunt
The nature of learning and how it applies to homeschooling.
"Learning Disability" - A Rose by a Different Name, by Jan Hunt
An examination of the nature of the realities and complexities behind the labels.
the Path, by Nancy Friedland Comforting insights on finding your family's path
for the homeschooling journey.
"Right" Way to Homeschool, by Leslie Murgatroyd A mom pokes fun at her own efforts to arrive at
the right way of homeschooling, and offers valuable insight.
The Interview, by Tammy Drennan A mom's fun fantasy of a turned around radio interview, with a nice twist on the "Socialization" question!
Sacrifice of Homeschooling, by Pam Hartley A response to the often heard comment, "Oh, I could never do that." How difficult is homeschooling?
Click here for a Homeschooling
Gateway to the Internet
Hundreds of favorite links to free homeschooling resources and information about learning
and teachingcurriculum info - math - music - sciences "freebies" (printable learning materials) reading & language arts - history arts - geography - mythology
college & career info help for special challenges educational games and puzzles long distance learning tools for Internet research California field trips Preschool and kindergarten learning activities And articles on teens and high school, college, and careers
Top 10 Gems - "What I wish someone would have told me during my first year of homeschooling," by Linda Dobson SPAN> Inspiring excerpts from Linda's book, The First Year of Homeschooling Your Child.
The Budding of My "Later Reader," by Lori Bell Encouraging story from a mom whose son is just now budding on his own as a "late" reader.
The Delights of Exploring Math With Your Child, by Lillian Jones SPAN> An extensive resource guide to practical ways of getting to the joy and fascination in math - complete with resource suggestions and annotated links to many delightful web sites.
Crazy for Calculating! Making Math Fun, by Sue Smith-Heavenrich SPAN> Ways kids can learn math from everyday life in fun and meaningful ways.
Travel Excursion of the Mind (leading your kids to the enjoyment of math), by David Albert
An excerpt from an excellent book, this article provides an enlightening and humorous look at effective ways to lead kids
into the appreciation of math as an important and enjoyable part of life.
Just Do the Math!, by David Albert This fascinating book excerpt explains how math can be mastered in an astoundingly short time when the time and conditions are right.
Time, by Tammy Cardwell.
The mom of a son now successfully attending college
comes to surprising realizations of what actually occurred during their homeschooling years.
Engagement, and Success, by Wes Beach
Wes Beach points out the profound natural differences
between people, and offers some thought provoking observations about what
can best lead to becoming confident, autonomous, and self-aware.
Reflecting on the Value of Materials and Classes, by Lillian Jones SPAN> Surprising and amusing 20/20 hindsight on the value of great learning materials and classes.
Was Homeschooled and I Just Didn't Know It, by Elaine Edwards
A grandmother recalls her own rich education outside
of school, and makes observations about marvelous ways homeschooling can
provide the same.
best thing about homeschooling – it's TIME, by Marty Layne
A popular homeschooling author and mom of four
homeschooled kids, now adults, shares her memories of the most precious
things about homeschooling.
Readers At Home, by Paula Harper-Christensen
A child development specialist offers a wonderfully
reassuring discussion of reading readiness, timing, and the art of fostering
a love of reading.
Nobody Makes You Do It..." by Nancy Wooton
A conversation between Nancy, an unschooler, and
a friend, a young mom starting to homeschool.
Children to Read, by Jean and Donn Reed
Learning to Read: A three-part article excerpted
from the Home School Source Book, Third Edition
Camping Out With Other Unschoolers, by Rachel Johnson SPAN> A mom's reflections on the unique delights of homeschooling camping adventures.
to Homeschool by Christine Webb
Deciding to homeschool can bring about a freeing,
euphoric kind of feeling, often followed by the panic of "Oh no,
what do I do now?" Here are some tips for getting through the "Oh
no!" stage.
Outside the (Idiot) Box, by Nancy Wooton
A thought-provoking perspective on the brighter
side of television.
Nuggets, by Win and Bill Sweet
Thoughts from pioneering homeschoolers on the nature
of homeschooling vs traditional classroom.
"The Beginners Guide To Homeschooling", by Patrick Farenga
This excerpt from The Beginner's Guide to Homeschooling
offers some helpful advice on the basics of getting started.
Practical Skills, by Meg Cox
The author of a popular book on family rituals
describes how some rituals can actually teach practical skills.
a Look at Vision Skills, by Lillian Jones
A personal account of one family's experience with
vision skill deficiencies and the information they found about how to
easily overcome this often undetected condition.
Dyslexia - a Gift?, by Lillian Jones
The fascinating nature of dyslexia, and how it can be controlled to advantage.
on Dyslexia, by Karen Pennebaker. Mom
to a dyslexic son, and grandmother to a dyslexic grandaughter, Karen shares
fascinating information about dyslexia, as well as tidbits about other learning issues.
What's that?, by Jeanne Love
A mom describes the practicalities of a lifestyle that instills
a love of learning in her children (from a Christian perspective).
This Curriculum Will Teach the Kids, Wash the Dishes AND Do the Laundry! , by Mary McCarthy SPAN> A guide to sorting out helpful vs. poor quality products and services.