As I Saw It
First person narratives of the dramatic decades between and 1849-1900
in CA: the pioneer experience; encounters between Anglo-Americans,
and the diverse peoples who preceded them.

The Pond Picture:
virtual Pond Web Pages
A site devoted to the eco-system of ponds, their life forms, atmosphere, and dynamics.
This fascinating information can be used to study pondlife all over California.
Bug People--Exploring
California Insects
Conduct research, implement innovative technologies, and participate in an interactive
learning community online.
Academy of Science
Studies and exhibits of the vast resources of California.
California Farm Service Agency for Kids Find out more about agriculture - with coloring pages, game pages, fun facts (or trivia) and useful things to print out and keep.
An amazing variety of information related to California highways and
California highway history.
California Nature Festivals
Also includes "Naturalist's Almanac to Where and When to See Flora and Fauna Through the Seasons."
Clouds: PSC
Meteorology Program Cloud Boutique
Great explanations of and access to detailed pictures of some basic cloud forms. A fun
thing to observe while you’re out and about.

Los Padres National Forest
Condors can be observed over Ojai and Mt. Pinos. There is an observatory for a possibility
of viewing them.
California Coastal Geography
A series of articles about coastal mountains, beaches, bluffs and headlands, wetlands,
intertidal zones, streams and rivers, and more.
Resources Page for Kids
Wonderful fun site about many natural resources!
Energy Sites
Extensive listing of sites having to do with all the types of energy, as well as the
energy sources in CA.
Energy Education Resources K-12
A directory of organizations and businesses that offer educational opportunities and
materials related to the use of energy resources.
Resources for Teachers, Students and Parents
Web sites that provide general education and energy-related resources to teachers,
students and parents.
Environmental Education Internet Resources
California Academy of Sciences' links to environmental educational websites for K-12 ages.
Kids’ Page:
A fun informational page for kids, including resources that can be printed up and taken on
Marine Mammals of California Links
Links to many good sites about the whole range of marine mammals--as well as some places
where they can be observed.
Natural Resources
Official site about California’s natural resources. Extensive information!
Fabulous site with information and links on many different Ecosystems, Biomes, and
New Perspectives
on the West
History-rich information gathered for a PBS documentary about the West; it took 5 years of
traveling, researching, and interviewing to produce.
Plants and
A nice directory of CA plants and animalswith lots of colorful illustrations
The San Francisco Cable Car
Delightful site with interactive demos, how the cars work, routes, etiquette, location,
and more.
The Route 66 Collection
Information about the stretch of historic Route 66 that passes through California from the
Colorado River (Topock), near Needles, to the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica

Spanish Missions of California
An extensive and well organized resource, including lots of annotated links to related sites.
An article on stargazing with links to helpful sites with stories and maps of the stars
and more.
Interesting facts, pictures,,and links to other good related sites about this fascinating bird.
Reading List for Conservation and Water Science
From fun children's books through to adult level, any of the books on this reading list
are available at libraries.
A directory of sites that offer education about a wide variety of water resource
issueshelpful for getting a general background about the ecology that might be
connected with many field trips that involve water sites such as wetlands.
Science for Schools
Explanations and illustrations of our water sources and the various uses me make of water.