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Articles:The Teen Years and Beyond Older Kids College and Career Department - from Eclectic Homeschool Online Self-Direction, Engagement, and Success, by Wes Beach "You've got to find what you love," by Steve Jobs Living What You Do Every Day How Not to Get Into College: The Preoccupation with Preparation, by Alfie Kohn Starting College, by Earl Gary Stevens The Door is Open, by Earl Gary Stevens Homeschoolers Are at Home at Harvard, by Nara K. Nahm, Published 1989 in the Harvard Crimson In a Class by Themselves, by Christine Foster Quick! Is Johnny signed up for daydreaming?, by Amanda Paulson The Satisfied Learner: How Families Homeschool their Teens, by Cafi Cohen Teens and Unschooling Un/Homeschooling: Adapting to College or Work Unschooling Into College, by Liz Shosie Fly-Fishing to College: The Value of Uniqueness vs. Orthodoxy, by Alison McKee Unschooling High School and College, an interview with Alison Mckee Getting Hit on the Head Lessons, by Alfie Kohn Just Do the Math!, by David Albert Schoolhouse Rocked College Admissions for Homeschoolers Homeschooled Applicants Attractive to Top Liberal Arts Colleges, Admission Officers Say, by Jen Lehner Earn a Congressional Award America's Most Connected Campuses Homeschooling Comes of Age in College Admission, by Aaron Basko Five Reasons To Skip College, from We're NOT Off to See the Wizard: Revisiting the Idea of College, by John O. Andersen Alternatives for 18-Year- Old Homeschoolers, by Larry and Susan Kaseman Advanced Yes, Placement No |
American Homeschool Association (AHA) - High School - College email group
Ask questions about homeschooling through high school and college - or share your experiences and resources with others who may be seeking help. See the links section for lots of resource ideas.'s Odds-n-Ends Newsletter
A newsletter with tips of the month on admissions information for grad, law, MBA, and medical school applicants.
A volunteer opportunity with a network of national service programs formed to meet critical needs in education, public safety, health, and the environment. You can serve through more than 2,100 nonprofits, public agencies, and faith-based organizations.
Advanced Placement and Honors Courses Online, University of California, Irvine
UC Irvine is offering online advanced placement (AP) and honors courses to high school students. These online courses are approved by the University of California and satisfy the a-g subject requirements that most 4-year colleges and universities require for admission. UC Irvine?s online AP and honors courses help students become eligible for admission to the University of California.
BrainTrack - College and University Directory
An extensive site that is a comprehensive directory of the world's universities and colleges. It indexes and contains information about universities, polytechnics, colleges and other higher educational institutions from over 190 countries. It also offers searches by degrees for specific professions or areas of study.
College Admissions
Articles, extensive information, links to resources - from
California Colleges
Developed in collaboration with the CA State University (CSU),
University of CA (UC), California Community Colleges (CCC),
Association of Independent CA Colleges and Universities (AICCU), and
the CDE to allow students to obtain information about higher
education opportunities in CA. The site aims to become the portal for
all colleges and universities in the state.
California Colleges and Universities
Lists and profiles all public and private colleges and universities in California,
including community colleges, AND even includes schools like the Golden State Culinary
Institute and the San Diego Golf Academy.
California High School Proficiency Exam site (CHSPE)
All the information in detail about the nature of this test to get the equivalent of a
California high school diploma, including sample questions,registration information, and
Career Exploration Links
Interest assessment for college major or career goal, plus links to hundreds of accredited
programs in specific fields, and over 800 links to sites with information about a wide
variety of careers.
College and University web sites
Home pages for colleges and universities all over the world.
College Confidential
A huge list of places on the web for college research: admissions,
search, financial aid, scholarships, international study, and much,
much more!
College Internet Connection - Private & Home School Friendly Colleges & Universities
This is only a PARTIAL list of the many colleges that are friendly to homeschoolers - but it has useful descriptive links to colleges.
The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
The College-Level Examination Program gives you the chance to earn college credit for what
you already know about a variety of subjects. More than 2,800 colleges and universities
now award credit for satisfactory scores on one or more of the 34 CLEP exams.
Colleges That Admit Homeschoolers
Links to more than 1000 college Web sites appear here.
Colleges That Change Lives
Author Lauren Pope’s links to 40 colleges that can "give you a rich, full live, and
make you a winner."
College Board Online
A good orientation for college preparation, including information on testing and financial aid.
Educational Testing Service & Links to College Sites
A gateway to definitive information about college and graduate school admissions and
placement tests, with links to test websites, as well as other educational resources.
Financial Aid Information
Free, comprehensive, independent, and objective guide to student financial aid.
A commercial site to guide adults in successfully passing the GED Test--help with practice
tests. and suggested practice lessons to help improve any weak areas.
High School Ace: An Extensive Reference Site
A noncommercial portal to excellent free online academic resources for high school
students. It features interactive learning activities, a reference collection, college
information, and subject guides for English, mathematics, social studies, science, world
languages, arts, and technology.
Life After High School - Resource for Colleges, Jobs, and Careers
A very helpful site -- many good links to job and career information, and scholarships.
Long Distance Learning - and Online Tutorials
Links to online courses, advanced placement courses, tutorials, high school resources, college and career information, and using the Internet for learning.
Mapping Your Future
Information for planning a career, selecting and paying for a school, etc.
Quite an informative site built to empower students, parents, and educational advisors as
they explore education and career opportunities.
Occupational Outlook Handbook
Career information for making decisions about future work lives. Describes what workers do
on the job, working conditions, the training and education needed, earnings, and expected
job prospects in a wide range of occupations.
Peterson’s Education Site
College and career information, study abroad, online learning, and much more.
Self Directed Education - Beach High School
Specialty: helping California teenagers make a transition from high school studies to their next life
situation, whether college or other.
Vocabulary University
Exercises to help prepare for vocabulary section of the SSAT, PSAT, GED, SAT and ACT.
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